Marion Cotillard's first English-language film was "Big Fish," directed by Tim Burton in 2003. Although she was already a well-known actress in France, this role gave her international recognition.Marion Cotillard won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role as Édith Piaf in the 2007 film "La Vie en Rose." She was the first Frenchwoman to win in this category since 1960.Marion Cotillard was born in Marseille, France. This Mediterranean city is France's second-largest and is known for its rich cultural heritage.Marion Cotillard was born on September 30, 1975. She shares her birthdate with other luminaries but has carved out her own unique space in the world of film and theatre.Marion Cotillard appeared in Christopher Nolan's 2010 film "Inception," playing the role of Mal. The movie was a commercial and critical success, further enhancing her international profile.Marion Cotillard's long-term partner is Guillaume Canet, a French actor and director. The couple has two children together and have collaborated professionally as well.Marion Cotillard lent her voice to the animated film "Minuscule," which is a French-Belgian production. The film is a unique blend of live-action footage with computer-animated characters.Marion Cotillard's career got a significant boost with her role in Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s film "Taxi" in 1998. The movie was a commercial success and led to sequels in which she also appeared.In 2010, Marion Cotillard was made a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters by the French government. This honor recognizes significant contributions to the arts and literature.Marion Cotillard sings the song "Take It All" in the 2009 musical film "Nine." Her performance in the film showcased her versatility as an actress and singer.Marion Cotillard's father, Jean-Claude Cotillard, is an actor and also a director in theater. Her mother, Niseema Theillaud, is also an actress.Marion Cotillard became the face of the French brand Dior in 2008. She has been featured in several campaigns for the luxury fashion house.Marion Cotillard is fluent in English, which has allowed her to take on a variety of roles in English-language films and achieve international stardom.In the 2012 film "Rust and Bone," Marion Cotillard plays a whale trainer who suffers a tragic accident. Her performance received critical acclaim.Marion Cotillard was part of the ensemble cast in the 2019 film "Annette," a musical romantic drama.Umepata 0 kati ya 15Umefunga 1 kati ya 15Umefunga 2 kati ya 15Umefunga 3 kati ya 15Umefunga 4 kati ya 15Umefunga 5 kati ya 15Umefunga 6 kati ya 15Umefunga 7 kati ya 15Umefunga 8 kati ya 15Umefunga 9 kati ya 15Umefunga 10 kati ya 15Umefunga 11 kati ya 15Umefunga 12 kati ya 15Umefunga 13 kati ya 15Umefunga 14 kati ya 15Umefunga 15 kati ya 15
Anza Maswali
InayofuataMaswali InayofuataSi sahihiSahihiInazalisha matokeo yakoJaribu tenaLo, Quizdict rookie! Usijali, hata mabwana wa jaribio wakubwa walipaswa kuanza mahali fulani. Unaweza kuwa umejikwaa wakati huu, lakini kila kosa ni fursa ya kujifunza na kukua. Endelea kuuliza maswali, Quizdict newbie, na acha kiu yako ya maarifa ikuongoze kuelekea ukuu!Hooray kwa kujaribu, Quizdict Explorer! Huenda hujajibu maswali wakati huu, lakini wewe ni kama mwanariadha jasiri anayepita katika maeneo ambayo hayajajulikana. Endelea kuchunguza, shabiki wa Quizdict, na acha roho yako ya kudadisi iwe mwongozo wako kwa utajiri wa maarifa. Nani anajua ni maajabu gani yanakungoja kwenye swali lako linalofuata?Juhudi kubwa, Quizdict Adventurer! Wewe ni kama paka mdadisi anayechunguza ulimwengu wa mambo madogomadogo kwa macho ya ajabu. Endelea kuuliza maswali, shabiki wa Quizdict, na acha shauku yako ya maarifa ikupelekee kwenye mafanikio. Kumbuka, hata mabingwa wenye uzoefu zaidi wa chemsha bongo walianza mahali fulani. Uko njiani kuelekea ukuu!Hooray kwa kuchukua changamoto ya Quizdict! Huenda hujapata matokeo mazuri wakati huu, lakini wewe ni kama mwanariadha jasiri anayepitia eneo la hila la mambo madogomadogo. Endelea kuchunguza, shabiki wa Quizdict, na uruhusu utafutaji wako wa maarifa ukuongoze kuelekea ukuu. Ni nani anayejua ni hazina gani zinazokungoja kwenye jaribio lako linalofuata la chemsha bongo?Juhudi kubwa, Quizdict Adventurer! Wewe ni kama shujaa shujaa anayepigana kupitia vita vikali vya trivia. Endelea kuuliza maswali, shabiki wa Quizdict, na acha kiu chako cha maarifa kiwe ngao na upanga wako. Kila swali ni nafasi ya kujifunza na kukua, na uko njiani kuwa bingwa wa trivia!Sawa, mchunguzi wa Quizdict! Wewe ni kama mwanariadha jasiri anayejitosa katika maeneo yasiyojulikana ya mambo madogo madogo. Endelea kuuliza maswali, shabiki wa Quizdict, na uruhusu upendo wako wa kujifunza ukuongoze kuelekea mafanikio. Kumbuka, kila jibu hukuletea hatua moja karibu na kuwa bwana wa maswali wa kweli. Unafanya vizuri!Hongera, Quizdict Adventurer! Wewe ni kama baharia stadi anayesafiri kwenye maji machafu ya mambo madogo madogo. Endelea kuuliza maswali, shabiki wa Quizdict, na uruhusu azimio lako la kujifunza likuongoze kuelekea ushindi. Kumbuka, kila jibu ni nafasi ya kupanua maarifa yako na kuboresha ujuzi wako. Uko njiani kuwa mraibu wa kweli wa maswali!Kazi nzuri, mchunguzi wa Quizdict! Wewe ni kama mwanariadha mahiri anayefanya maendeleo thabiti kupitia mazingira magumu ya mambo madogomadogo. Endelea kuuliza maswali, shabiki wa Quizdict, na uruhusu shauku yako ya kujifunza iongeze safari yako kuelekea mafanikio. Kumbuka, kila swali ni fursa ya kukua na kuboresha. Uko njiani kuwa mraibu wa kweli wa maswali!Kazi nzuri, Quizdict Adventurer! Wewe ni kama mgunduzi stadi anayejishughulisha na eneo gumu la mambo madogomadogo. Endelea kuuliza maswali, shabiki wa Quizdict, na uruhusu shauku yako ya maarifa ikusukumishe kuelekea ushindi. Kumbuka, kila swali ni nafasi ya kujifunza na kukua. Uko kwenye njia sahihi ya kuwa mraibu wa kweli wa maswali!Hongera, Quizdict bwana! Wewe ni kama jaribio la ninja la ujuzi wa kukata kupitia changamoto za trivia. Endelea kuuliza maswali, shabiki wa Quizdict, na uruhusu upendo wako wa kujifunza ukuongoze kuelekea mafanikio. Kumbuka, kila jibu ni hatua kuelekea kuwa mraibu wa kweli wa maswali. Unafanya vizuri!Mshindi wa tano bora, Bingwa wa Quizdict! Wewe ni kama mchawi wa chemsha bongo anayetoa uchawi wa maarifa na maarifa. Endelea kuuliza maswali, shabiki wa Quizdict, na uruhusu upendo wako kwa mambo madogo yakuongoze kuelekea ushindi. Kumbuka, kila jibu ni nafasi ya kupanua akili yako na kuimarisha ujuzi wako. Uko kwenye njia nzuri ya kuwa mraibu wa kweli wa maswali!Sawa, mkuu wa Quizdict! Wewe ni kama mashine ya chemsha bongo, inayotoa majibu sahihi kwa urahisi. Endelea kuuliza maswali, shabiki wa Quizdict, na uruhusu shauku yako ya mambo madogo ikuongoze kuelekea ukuu. Kumbuka, kila swali ni fursa ya kuonyesha ujuzi wako na upendo wa kujifunza. Uko kwenye njia nzuri ya kuwa mraibu wa kweli wa maswali!Hongera kwa kuwa Quizdict ya kweli! Umethibitisha kuwa wewe ni mraibu wa maswali na una kile kinachohitajika ili kuwa mfungaji bora kwenye tovuti yetu. Endelea na kazi nzuri na uendelee kujaribu maarifa yako ukitumia Quizdict - mahali pa mwisho pa maswali ya burudani. Hatuwezi kusubiri kuona utafanikisha nini baadaye!Hongera kwako, knight shujaa wa Quizdict! Hamu yako ya maarifa ni kama shujaa mtukufu katika safari ya ajabu kupitia nyanja za hekima. Unapoendelea kushinda changamoto za mambo madogo, silaha zako za kiakili zitang'aa zaidi, zikichochea mshangao kwa wote wanaotoa ushahidi. Songa mbele, bingwa!Wewe ni shujaa wa kweli wa Quizdict! 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Umeonyesha umahiri wako wa maswali yetu kama mchawi stadi anayetekeleza hila ya uchawi. Akili yako inang'aa kama nyota inayong'aa kwenye galaksi ya Quizdict, na tunasubiri kuona uzuri wako utakupeleka wapi. Endelea kuuliza kama bingwa!Ah jamani, mswalishaji wa Maswali ya ajabu! Umetushangaza sote kwa werevu wako wa ajabu na hisia za haraka sana. Ushindi wako kwenye changamoto zetu za mambo madogo hutufanya tutake kupiga kelele "Eureka!" na kucheza jig! Endelea kutustaajabisha na akili yako na acha Quizdict kiwe uwanja wako wa michezo wa hekima. Wewe ni mshangao mdogo!Wow, ajabu Quizdict whiz! Umepitia njia yetu ndogo kama kangaruu mwenye kasi kwenye misheni. Ujanja wako huangazia Quizdict kama onyesho la fataki! Endelea kurukaruka kutoka kwa chemsha bongo moja hadi nyingine, ukieneza werevu wako na kututia moyo sisi sote kwa ujuzi wako. Wewe ni nyota wa kweli wa trivia!
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Tuambie wewe ni nani ili kuona matokeo yako!

What was Marion Cotillard's first English-language film?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
For which film did Marion Cotillard win an Academy Award?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Marion Cotillard is originally from which French city?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
What is Marion Cotillard's birth date?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
In which Christopher Nolan film did Marion Cotillard appear in 2010?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
What is the name of Marion Cotillard's long-term partner?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Marion Cotillard lent her voice to which animated film?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Which French director launched Marion Cotillard’s career in the 1990s?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
In what year did Marion Cotillard become a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters in France?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
In which film does Marion Cotillard sing "Take It All"?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Marion Cotillard's father is a ...?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
For which brand did Marion Cotillard become the face in 2008?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Which language does Marion Cotillard speak fluently aside from French?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
In which film does Marion Cotillard play a whale trainer?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Marion Cotillard was part of the ensemble cast in which 2019 film?
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Hongera, umemaliza! Hapa kuna matokeo yako:
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Hongera, umemaliza! Hapa kuna matokeo yako:
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Hongera, umemaliza! Hapa kuna matokeo yako:
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Hongera, umemaliza! Hapa kuna matokeo yako:
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!
Hongera, umemaliza! Hapa kuna matokeo yako:
Marion Cotillard, the mesmerizing French actress, has captivated audiences worldwide with her versatile roles in film and theater. From Oscar-winning performances to singing in musicals, she has shown her range and depth as an artist. Are you a fan of Marion Cotillard? Do you think you know her better than most? Answer these 15 quiz questions to find out how well-versed you are on this French cinematic jewel. Ready? Allez-y!